Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Group vs. Fan Page on Facebook

Group and Fan pages are different on Facebook. Fan pages allows everyone to be able to view and post comments. Group pages allows you to give out bulk messages for people that are in the group. I discovered a chart on www.searchenginejournal.com, this shows more of the comparisons and contrasts. Fan page usually build longer relationships; whereas,  group pages attract quick attention.

Mark Zuckerburg's concept "Social Graph"

The social graph is where you make connections between people, this is how facebook derived. The social graph draws an edge between people, places, and things and how the interact online. This concept is the foundation for other social networks as well, such as Twitter and Pinterest. Twitter allows followers to find people with  similar interests and topics to dicuss; whereas, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard allows you to pin and share things you find on the web.

Local Entreprenuer- David Lee Smith

Well if you don't know" I LOVE FASHION," now you do! David Lee Smith is putting on one of the biggest fashion shows in Murfreesboro. The Belandonis fashion show, which will be held April 7th @ 7:00pm @ the Rec Center. All of the designers in the show are from MTSU, he is going to create a business from the show that sells custom made clothes.  Some of the designers that are featured in the show will be permanent designers for his company. I can't wait to see the final verdict of his production.

Individual Blog- Gracie Gilmore

I really like Gracie Gilmore's blog www.ohthatsgracie.com. She talks about upcoming shows in Nashville. The shows promote underground but popular artists. Gracie has a gift of gab with the fashion and trends. She likes great bargains and she lets her audience know about all of the sales. Through her blog, she has gained a fan base and has over 1,000 followers on twitter. I actually had Gracie host one of my events IT Factor 2 (fashion show). Gracie is one of Nashville's trend setters can't wait to see what she has up her sleeves in a couple of years from now.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3 ways organization's are using social media

Well, Twitter is the epitome of social media updates for most organizations. I often look at twitter before I even hear the news or radio. Most of the people I follow are part of the urban market for entertainment, PR, marketing, stylists and entrepreneurs.  Secondly, Facebook fan pages are the best places to show marketing for businesses not only is it free, but fan pages are public. BLOGS are another way organizations are putting out their information out socially. Blogs are great because the audience viewing, has the chance to pick up tips about the organization.

I currently follow @MEPRagency this agency does special events and PR work. I love special events because it gives the company options to do the kind of events they want and they are not limited to weddings. My personal goals are to come up with events that  I love like fashion shows, and live music and to create more than just an event but an Experience.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tips of Beginning Bloggers

1. Figure out what you would like to blog about
2. Introduce yourself and your interests to gain followers
3. Make your blog relatable and interesting, with specific stories.

I chose a simple blogging platform, I am very new to blogging and would like to get better. The article I chose to read was the " Importance of Writing Well in Social Media." Blogging helps create stories to keep people interested in certain topics; however, words are power and how we convey words draw our audience closer. Writing well should be habitual for a great blogging site. http://www.socialmediaexplorer.com/social-media-training-2/writing-well-for-social-media/

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Social Media on Mashable

There were a couple of articles on Mashable that really stood out to me. Nine best practices for social networking.http://mashable.com/2012/01/23/social-media-workplace/                                                         1. Understanding the company policy, best practices and culture
2. Company communities evolve best practices and policies
3. Gotta be able to mix personal and professional
4. Proximities with public vs. private spaces
5. Be mindful of your private information
7. Become an expert in social media

Better communicating throughout social media
1. Find a person's preferred communication channel ( do research see how people want to tweet)
2. Say enough don't over speak - less is more with the first introduction
3. Don't expect a response
4. ClarifyEarly- say what you want upfront
5. What you want is not the point
6. Be open without being needy
7. Give enough space to person

http://mashable.com/2012/02/17/social-media-bloggers-tips/ are following Tips for social media bloggers
Making your social media platforms
Blogs should have a Facebook page
Generate traffic with other social media platforms
RSS feed onto LinkedIN profile
Pinterest i the new Frontier for a blogger
Use link shorteners even when you have to
Use your blog name
Join blogger groups on Facebook
Promote other bloggers